It is time to invoke the power of the earth with our songs, it is time to call upon all the creature spirits to help us in our time of need, it is time to humble ourselves and understand that what we have wrought upon the earth leads us to a dead-end of extinction and destruction. Now - we must sing our songs and keep our prayers in our hearts that the buffalo will return, that the elk and the eagle and the condor and the mouse and the worm will grace us with the power of their spirits. Sing!
Osage Song of the Buffalo Bulls
I rise, I rise,
I, whose tread makes the earth tremble.
I rise, I rise,
I, in whose thighs there is strength.
I rise, I rise,
I, who whips his back with his tail when in rage.
I rise, I rise,
I, in whose humped shoulder there is power.
I rise, I rise,
I, who shakes his mane when angered.
I rise, I rise,
I, whose horns are curved and sharp.